Saturday, January 10, 2015

Bellamy Mansion Tour; Downtown Wilmington, NC

My husband, who is a marine, recently left for training and to keep myself busy I decided to take some tours of the historic homes down in Wilmington. The first one I did was the Bellamy House, built in 1859.
 Complete with 14 fireplaces, the original slave quarters, 6 bedrooms, an original bathroom, and the magnolia trees Mrs. Bellamy planted herself this house did not fall short of my expectations! Not even sorry for the picture overload.
The Front Exterior and Garden

 One of Mrs. Bellamy's magnolia trees

Inside the Front Door

The Formal Parlor 

 The Library

The Master Bedroom and Guest Room

 The Original Bathroom

 The Children's Floor

Lookout Tower

Serving Room and Formal Dinning Room

Washroom and Kitchen
 Fun Fact: The slanted chair is so the women don't tip into the fire place and burn themselves. This is how a good majority of women died during this time.

The Rear Garden and My Favorite Staircase

Fun Fact: All the windows on the main floor are floor to ceiling windows that lift up into the ceiling. You can just step right through them.

The Slave Quarters
Fun Fact: There are no windows in the back of the slave house. Dr. Bellamy wanted to buy the property behind his but the owner wouldn't sell, so he shut him out.

Fun Fact: Supposedly there is a gate that leads to under these "toilets" to clean them out. That surprisingly didn't need to be done often because the methane gas went up through the chimneys through slave magic and escaped out the back of the house. Which if you read my last fun fact you can guess how silly the rear neighbor must of felt.

A Few of My Favorite Parts of the House